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March 2017 - Gabriel might be a mild-mannered 4 year old, but he's a demon on the track. Check out some of his moves.
Gabriel may only be 4 year old, but he sure knows how to have fun in the corners! Here's a compilation of some turning and braking action. Check out the slow-mo with one wheel off the ground! While his braking is improving, he still has a lot to learn, but he is one keen kid. Go, Gabriel!
CHANNEL 9 NEWS - 6th April 2017
Gabriel has once again turned heads, appearing on Channel 9 for his kart driving. As Petrina Zaphir reports, Gabriel is one of Australia's youngest (and possibly the fastest 4 year old) kart drivers.
CHANNEL 7 NEWS - October 2016
Gabriel's appearance on the Channel 7 Sunrise program in October 2016. He has only been driving a kart for a few months but is already showing some promise. Check out some of his other videos and his stats to see how far he has come since then!
At just 4 years old, Gabriel is starting to learn about rolling starts and overtaking. At this stage, we've only been practicing this for a few sessions. He's a little hesitant in some areas, but overall we're pretty happy with his progress, especially since he managed to pull a 39.92 second lap on the 675m track while doing this.
Gabriel has been learning about racing lines this week. In this video he is working on his approach to the corner, exit lines and kart control in the turns. Footage from the 20th of December, 2016 (age: 3 years 11 months old).
See some images and video of Gabriel from the very beginning...
Gabriel started karting in July 2016, when he was 3 years and 6 months old. Watch some of the early footage...